Sandbar east of Andros
 Cut near Overyonder Cay
 Our flight on Watermakers Air
 Sunset from the Orange cottage
 Staniel Cay cottages
 Cut on the north side of Big Major's Spot
 Gas tank wrapped in fiberglass
 Inside Staniel Cay Yacht Club
 Our dinghy dock
 Staniel Cay Yacht Club
 A day in the Land and Sea park
 Lunch stop and not another soul for miles
 Near "The Aquarium", Soldier Cay
 Hardy plant and limestone
 Our waterfront cottage
 North side of Compass Cay
 Rocky Dundas
 Lunch stop at Soldier Cay
 Returning from the day's adventures
 Heavily modified mini-Cooper
 The Orange cottage
 Iguanas at Bitter Guana Cay
 Large, friendly Iguana
 What about me?
 Lunch stop near Big Rock
 Staniel Cay Cottages
 Limestone overhang on Big Major's Spot
 The swimming pigs at Big Major's Spot
 How can you resist that face?
 Swimming Pigs
 Sampson Cay
 Sampson Cay rental house
 Sampson Cay Marina
 Beach at the village center, Staniel Cay
 Our morning view
 Ocean beach
 Egret or white Heron
 Halloween party at SCYC
 Heather and Ronnie
 "Ahmed", Tyrone and Spider
 The rare Bahamian purple butterfly
 Ancient pool table at SCYC
 The Village People
 No caption necessary
 Heather and Kent