Sunrise off St. Martin
 Sunset cocktails in Gustavia, St. Barths
 Sunset over the western harbor
 Dusk on the Quai de la République
 Rue de la République
 Le Select
 Morning in Port de Gustavia
 The harbor before the boats arrive for the concert
 Quai Général de Gaulle
 Anse Columbier
 Petit Anse
 View from P'tit Morne
 The gang at Columbier
 Jen and the hat
 Eden Rock
 My "wives" in Baie St. Jean
 Le chapeau et Eden Rock
 The gang at Eden Rock (B)
 The Capitainerie, Port de Gustavia
 The 115 foot "El Jefe" from St. Vincent
 Luxury yachts
 Our sailboat between "Summer Breeze" and "Wrangler"
 Big night out at Pipiri Palace
 Breakfast on Anse du Gouverneur
 Anse du Gouverneur (B)
 Heather and [redacted] fighting the pasteries
 The gang at Gouverneur
* CENSORED * Some of our crew decided to go "native" on the beach at Gouveneur. I have fantastic photos, but have been sworn to secrecy. * CENSORED *
 Le Select 60th Annversary Party
 Airport and Baie de St. Jean
 Inner harbor in Port de Gustavia
 The stunning harbor and town of Gustavia, St. Barths
 Sound check by the Coral Reefers
 The Marius Special at Le Select (B)
 Getting ready for the show
 The parrot-heads stake out their real estate
 The 160' "Destination Fox Harbour" (that's what selling donuts and coffee will buy you) and 143' "Four Wishes", among other superyachts
 Coordinating it all, M. Jacques Gréaux, harbormaster extraordinaire
 Our boat in prime parking, just to the left of center
 The Quai Principal
 Capitainerie at dusk before the big show
 Gustavia at dusk
 The inner harbor
 St. Martin in the distance
We happened to stumble upon the 60th Anniversary Party of Le Select, with a free Jimmy Buffett concert on the dock right next to our boat. It's better to be lucky than smart.
 The party warms up at Le Select
 Opening steel drum band in front of the superyachts
 Our boat neighbors, "Wrangler", a 55' Hatteras Sportfisherman
 Jimmy Buffett and the Coral Reefers take the stage
 The cat "Summer Breeze" is the only thing blocking (barely) our view of the stage
 The awesome view from our boat
 Jimmy up close
 Wrapping up the Le Select 60th Anniversary party
 Leaving St. Martin on our way back to the BVI